Just a few thoughts, sorry if they're abstract. For instance, assuming she's female, present a choice of breasts, belly and full body, different liquids, gases, inflation by pump, cylinder, pellet, magic or "other", with or without a hose, anal, umbilical, oral or subcutaneous inflation, willing or unwilling, with or without deflation, with or without popping and so on. * Make the inflatee an object with various attributes.

There's a game called 'Violet' (no, not THAT Violet) where the player has to struggle against distractions all the time. * Make the victim struggle at every stage, so they do everything they can to stop the inflation from proceeding as intended. The thing is, and i'm only pointing this out as a potential pitfall to avoid, a popular inflation scenario involves making the inflatee helpless and giving them no choices, which could make for a game which might as well be a passage of text - fun, sure, but not really using the medium. I actually had a go at this in the early 1980s and the problem for me was that it was too linear: ultimately the aim is to get to the inflation and anything which stops that from happening is potentially irritating. There's a Star Trek text adventure game out there where the player gets to have sex with Deanna Troi, which doesn't interest me but might be worth looking at for ideas of plot flow. I think that if this could be made to work, it'd be fantastic.